"The obsession to maintain one’s status, to make more money, get more things, and gain influence over others and resources compromises the young and the old, equally. Societal focus on external skill development and assimilation is not the remedy. What is even more vital is the development of the essential tools of the spirit. This will reconnect us to The Sacred, to The People, and the to The Living Planet. This we learn directly from the Original African World View. Thank you Ancestors!"
Through Healing Power Missions (HPMs), The Spiritual Warrior Society educators act as healing allies assisting others in their journey with the difficult and unnecessary negative power struggles which can exist on every level of most groups. HPMs are not typical skill-based leadership development programs however, they can be. Often HPMs are combined with traditional organizational assessment and feedback depending on the group needs. Co-created with clients, this work focuses primarily on strengthening the internal conditions of being, feeling, and connecting deeply with oneself and others in order to generate higher quality goals and increase the quantity of organizational outcomes. The cornerstone of an HPM is creating greater access to oneself in order to impact groups from the inside out.
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